| 1. | But the fishery was confronted with a financial crisis 但渔场面临着财政的危机。 |
| 2. | A financial crisis could trigger a global hard landing 一个金融危机将为引发全球性的硬着陆。 |
| 3. | Any one of these might once have triggered a financial crisis 上面中的任何一个似乎都有可能引起一场金融危机。 |
| 4. | Subprime ' s woes do not ? yet ? amount to a financial crisis 次优房贷的灾难还不至于,或者说还未曾引发一场金融危机。 |
| 5. | The bank had to dip into its investments overseas to meet a financial crisis at home 为了应付国内的金融危机,那家银行不得不动用其国外的投资。 |
| 6. | Less gold would leave the imf with fewer resources for use in coping with a financial crisis 减少黄金储备将意味着imf在应对金融危机时,可使用资源的减少。 |
| 7. | The literature in this area mainly focuses on primarily explanations to the onset and propagation of a financial crisis , e . g . , 凯恩斯论述金融交易不确定性和人们的预期对金融动荡产生的影响。 |
| 8. | Pierpont morgan , stemmed the panic of 1907 , a financial crisis caused by unregulated trusts ( the hedge funds of their day ) 他在其华尔街的办公室中充当了实际上的最后贷款人的角色,受到了人们的追捧。 |
| 9. | China fears that floating the yuan could worsen the bad - debt problems in its banking system and precipitate a financial crisis 中国也在担忧:浮动的人民币会使银行系统的坏账问题恶化从而促成财政危机。 |